The U.S. problem seldom heard exists in Japan. It is a problem of discrimination.Although it is a downward tendency in recent years, especially the problem of racial discrimination is deep-rooted.Moreover, although it may also be Japan, there are also many especially examples where a victim turns into an assailant.
It might be common to the victim also in Japan or the United States. It means that bodily features and family environment are depreciated, and there is. It seems that it is thought somehow that he would like to stand on predominance rather than a partner as one of the character of man as compared with the surroundings.
It seems that power is put into "prevention" in the United States in order to keep man's character from coming out.In an American school, the actual condition is that bullying various type exists. It seems that the consciousness of specialists or teachers also increases and various programs for urging the prevention from bullying and its early detection are given these days.Moreover, it is said that the law "Anti-Bullying Act" existed for some states, the measure against bullying of each school district was made to strengthen, and a duty of the disposal of counseling an anonymity report of bullying by other students, report presentation of the contents of bullying, and the child on whom it was hard is imposed.
It is few although the school which is putting power into prevention in Japan also recognizes existence. Although investigated, there is little data of the actual condition. If it can do, I would like to attach the data of the actual condition of U.S. bullying and to hear your opinion.
人間の性質が出ないようにするために、アメリカでは『予防』に力を入れているようだ。アメリカの学校では、様々なタイプのいじめが存在するのが実情だ。最近では専門家や先生達の意識も高まり、いじめ防止やその早期発見を促すための様々なプログラムが施されているようである。また州によっては「Anti-Bullying Act」という法律が存在し、各学校区のいじめ対策を強化させ、他の生徒によるいじめの匿名報告、いじめ内容の報告書提出、またいじめられた子にカウンセリングを行うなどの処置を義務づけているそうだ。